Gourd, scientific name Lagenaria siceraria, is a species of flowering plant in the family Cucurbitaceae. This species is Standl. First scientific description in 1930. Pumpkin is characterized by its laxative, diuretic and aphrodisiac properties. Additionally, squash is also believed to provide various health benefits. From increased energy levels and a clearer mind to smoother digestion and reduced risk of disease. However, not all of its benefits are scientifically proven. Those with the most scientific support include: Prevents ulcers: Animal studies indicate that butternut squash extracts may help prevent the development of peptic ulcers in rats. May reduce inflammation: Test-tube and animal studies show that squash extracts may reduce inflammation, believed to be the root cause of many chronic diseases. Offers some protection against type 2 diabetes: Research with rats shows that squash may help lower blood sugar, triglycerides, and insulin levels. However, human studies have reported conflicting results. Antibacterial effects: Some studies indicate that squash extracts may protect against certain bacteria and fungi. However, other studies have yet to find a protective effect.
Cucumber is a popular crop in the cucurbit family, is an important commercial fruit vegetable, it has been grown for a long time in the world and has become a food of many countries. The leading countries in terms of planted area and yield are: China, Russia, Japan, USA, Netherlands, Turkey, Poland, Egypt and Spain.